My bookmarklet

Thu, Aug 15, 24

My bookmarklet list

Zero Trust Network

Tue, May 24, 22

Problems with traditional network models

Businesses are increasingly depending on cloud platforms to manage a wide range of devices and networks, and bad actors are using the disarray to increase account hacking. It gets increasingly difficult to maintain the network secure as the number of users climbs. Hackers’ ways of attacking and exploiting massive systems are becoming more complex, making them more dangerous.

Write up: Crypto Hack General

Thu, Mar 17, 22

This week I did a quiz from Infomation Security course. Through this I’ve learned a lot of knowdledge like how to use pwntools, pwnlib, more about XOR, modulo and RSA. This is my approach to solve 19 exercises in this quiz.

Do you thrashing in this semester ?

Thu, Jan 13, 22

Nothing special.